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WISDM for mmWave Mesh and Small-Cell Networks

High performance Mesh and Small Cell networks such as Terragraph, promise to transform the ability to deploy multi-gigabit business and home broadband connectivity.

WISDM Mesh is built from the ground up to make mmWave mesh design a doddle. Planners can upload Street Furniture and other asset data directly into WISDM and build highly efficient networks in just a few minutes. WISDM Mesh access comes complete with 1m resolution or 2m resolution data and highlights asset-to-asset connectivity as well as premises passed address data in real-time. A typical 5,000 homes passed network can be designed in under 10-minutes.

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Cambium, Siklu, Tachyon, Ubiquiti, WeLink and WISDM mmWave Mesh Designer

WISDM can plan networks using a wide range of mmWave hardware vendors, who all offer incredibly reliable and high-performing equipment.

However, utilising the 60 GHz V-Band spectrum means that line of sight is critical for optimal performance. Conventional wireless planning systems simply do not have the scale or performance to design robust networks in this band. WISDM Mesh addresses this challenge head on.

Precise Mesh and Small Cell Modelling

WISDM mmWave Mesh has been built from the ground up to perform the type of precise wireless coverage modelling that is needed to design a comprehensive and performant mmWave network. WISDM’s core coverage engine can perform hundreds of millions of 3D coverage calculations per second, meaning for the first time, high resolution wireless modelling can be performed in real-time in V-Band (60-GHz). This significantly reduces planning time and de-risks the outcome of a new network.

  • Mesh Design

    Mesh networks have many advantages over convenstional distribution networks. Self-healing, load balancing and resilience can be highly valuable aspects of a well designed network. WISDM helps to model your goals for performance and network robustness by calculating millions of potential network paths then optimises around your goals.

  • Accuracy

    WISDM can use LiDAR data at 25cm resolution in real-time. This level of accuracy ensures that your Terragraph network can be designed on the web-screen in fantastic detail and minimise the level of physical surveys required. In the event that changes are required, due to unavailable structures or physical constrainst at build-out, the entire network can be re-modelled in seconds.

  • Efficient Design

    Using existing structures such as street lights, utility poles, bus shelters and existing buildings are key to low-cost, rapid deployment gigabit networks. However, knowing which ones to use for optimal coverage without building more than required ensures that coverage goals will be met at the lowest possible cost. WISDM-TG's real-time modelling engine ensures that ever possible permutation is considered before a network design is recommended. This saves capital cost, ensures full coverage, network resilience and budgets are all met. 

We’d love to hear from you.  Call us at +44(0)113 898 0110  or send us a message using the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


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