Precision wireless modelling requires precise 3D data. WISDM subscriptions include both terrain and 1 meter resolution surface data as standard, exclusively from Global-Twin.
To carry out line of sight calculations WISDM uses two data layers; ground and surface data and comes with Global-Twin data as standard.
Choose which 3D data to use with WISDM:
If you operate using mmWave bands in urban areas, bur sub 6 GHz in wider rural locations, simply mix and match to suit.
WISDM is supplied as standard, with our 1m resolution Digital Surface Model (DSM) layer for trees and buildings. This is created in-house using state-of-the-art processing techniques and takes regular DSM to new heights. It is recommended for use in rural coverage mapping when using 6GHz and lower bands.
This can be added into WISDM to offer surface data that has more detail, which is commonly used in urban areas, where precision matters. Precision 3D data from our global data partner, MAXAR Technologies, provides an advantage for those customers focused on high density urban planning in the mmWave bands and using small cells.
Uniquely, Precision 3D data can also be used over vast areas and in every country whilst maintaining pinpoint accuracy.
In some areas, high quality publicly accessible LiDAR data is available, which can also be imported into your WISDM account. Likewise, you may have invested in producing custom point cloud or LiDAR data for your coverage area. This can also be processed and imported into your WISDM account at up to 25cm resolution with no loss of performance.